Portogruaro - Bibione

Portogruaro -Bibione
Small towns north of Portogruaro and along Tagliamento River
Mappa del percorso n. 6
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It is the biggest town situated between Livenza and Tagliamento rivers and it is also known as "the town where Lemene River flows". Its origins date from the 12th century; the old part of this town with its covered walk and the precious buildings stresses its influential role in Venetian economy and politics. Today it has a paramount importance in culture and art, above all due to its outstanding music tradition.
In Portogruaro take via Udine and follow it for 4 km: you arrive at Portovecchio. It is a medieval commercial town; its 16th-century church houses valuable works of art.
Boldara watermill
In Portovecchio take via Frassinedo, then via Boldara and follow it for about 3 km: you are near Boldara watermill. Lying on Lemene River, it dates from the 15th century and has worked until the 1960s. It is a three-storey building, lost in nature but needing an accurate restoration.
Take again via Boldera and then via S. Angelo. Follow it for 2 km: at this point you hit Gruaro. Its origins date from the Middle Ages, and it was ruled by the head of Sesto al Reghena Abbey. Visit the churches of San Tommaso, Sant'Elisabetta as well as Sant'Angelo. Not afar from the town, in the literary park devoted to Ippolito Nievo, you find Stalis watermill. It is composed by two buildings, the "old watermill" situated on the island in the middle of Lemene waterbed, and "the new watermill" on Lemene northern shore, along the road heading to Cordovado and to the fountain of Venchieredo.
Teglio Veneto
Back on via Portogruaro, take via Boldara, via Trieste and via Viola. Stay on for about 6 km: you arrive at Teglio Veneto. In this small town dating from the Middle Ages, visit the church of San Bernardino as well as the one of San Zenone.
Take via Ippolito Nievo to reach Fratta, an administrative division of Teglio municipality. In the castle situated in this hamlet Ippolito Nievo set his novel "Le Confessioni di un Italiano".
Fossalta di Portogruaro
In Fratta take via Valvason, then via Ippolito Nievo to reach Fossalta di Portogruaro. Its origins date from Roman epoch and you can admire its valuable art heritage. You ought to visit its Museum of Peasant culture.
In Fossalta di Portogruaro take via Trieste, then via Moncenigo until you reach Alvisopoli. In this hamlet near Fossalta di Portogruaro Alvise Mocenigo (1760 - 1815), a nobleman from Venice, set up a kind of socio-economic experimental organisation based on the theories of the Enlightenment and Reform. This complex had also a print shop. After count Mocenigo's death this place gradually lost its influence. A few hundreds metres from Alvisopoli you can notice its watermill. These days we see only its ruins needing a restoration. It was built in the late 18th century, and was part of Alvise Mocenigo's ambitious project.
Villanova della Cartera
Approaching Villanova della Cartera you find some ruins of a century-old hydraulic engineering station. These ruins deserve to undergo suitable restoration works, which could disclose the influential role these structures played in the economic activities along rivers and streams.
San Giorgio al Tagliamento
In Villanova della Cartera take via Scuole, via Pordenone and then via Aprilia: you reach San Giorgio al Tagliamento. It is the ancient Apicilia. Over the centuries, its economy has been relying on navigation on Tagliamento River. You can visit a deconsecrated 17th church, which houses several valuable works of art.
San Michele al Tagliamento
Not far away we hit S. Michele al Tagliamento. In its territory we find several interesting buildings and villas; unfortunately, many of them were destroyed or damaged in the two world wars that occurred in the last century. For instance in Villa Mocenigo - Ivancich, which is attributed to Longhena, only the structure of its remarkable barchesse is still undamaged. There are several holy buildings deserving a visit: among them, the church of Santa Elisabetta and the Oratory of SS. Bellino and Mauro.
In San Michele al Tagliamento take via Marango, via San Filippo and then via IV Novembre. Stay on for about 5.7 km: at this point you arrive at Cesarolo. Emilia Road passed through this town during the Roman times. The 18th-century church consecrated to Saint Nicholas was pulled down and replaced in the early 20th century by a wide and modern temple, rich in works of art.
Cesarolo water scooping plant (E=13:01:22,860; N=45:41:22,462)
Take via Valconer, head to Bibione until you reach Cesarolo water scooping plant (2nd basin). This is a plant dating from 1926. Its circulation is 5,400 litres/second.
Bevazzana water scooping plant (E=13:00:39,000; N=45:40:06,168)
Continuing your route to Bibione you find Bevazzana water scooping plant (4th basin). Dating from 1926, its circulation is 7,100 litres/second.
Bibione water scooping plant (E=13:04:39,071; N=45:39:07,639)
After a call at Bevazzana water scooping plant, retrace your path to via Falconer and head to Bibione. Take via Pineda, turn left onto via Capodistria heading toward Tagliamento River. Follow Tagliamento riverside until you reach Bibione water scooping plant (6th basin). This plant lies not very far from Tagliamento River and was built in 1932 to reclaim a wide area in San Michele al Tagliamento municipality. Its circulation is 5,800 litres/second.