Portogruaro - Santo Stino di Livenza

Portogruaro -S. Stino di Livenza
Water scooping plants on Reghena River
Wine routes and Livenza River
Mappa del percorso n. 5
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It is the biggest town situated between Livenza and Tagliamento rivers and it is also known as "the town where Lemene River flows". Its origins date from the 12th century; the old part of this town with its covered walk and the precious buildings stresses its influential role in Venetian economy and politics. Today it has a paramount importance in culture and art, above all due to its outstanding music tradition.
From Portogruaro to Summaga; water scooping plants on Reghena River
For some technical reasons the area west of Potogruaro is subdivided in a few small basins, each of them is served by a water scooping plant named after the closest village. It is rather interesting to call at these plants and the villages nearby.
The direct road connection from Portogruaro to Summaga is 4.7km long, but the suggested route is longer because of the several diversions you make to visit some water scooping plants.
San Giusto water scooping plant (E=12:50:03,579; N=45:46:11,103)
Leaving Portogruaro go south, on via Seminario you meet SS14 crossing Reghena River. Turn right onto via F. Baracca and you arrive at San Giusto water scooping plant. Dating from 1930, it serves the small S. Giusto sub-basin, lying west of Portogruaro; its circulation is 1,600 litres/second.
Palù Nuovo water scooping plant (E=12:57:58,521; N=45:40:15,325)
Take SS 14 to go back to the bridge on Reghena River, and then take via Matteotti , then viale Cadorna and viale Treviso. Stay on until you reach via Montecassino. Before reaching the flyover, turn left onto an avenue leading to Palù Nuovo water scooping plant, on Reghena River. Serving an area of 130 ha, its original structure by Reghena Syndicate dates from 1925. In 1931 it was upgraded under Ing. Dal Prà's supervision. It underwent some other restoration works in 1982; these days, its circulation is 2,400 litres/second.
Masatta water scooping plant (E=12:48:26,811; N=45:46:31,466)
Retrace your path to viale Treviso, take the flyover and stay on until you reach a roundabout; stay on until you merge with via Masatta. On the right you can notice Masatta water scooping plant, which is plunged in the countryside. Masatta is one of the six water scooping plants on the lower stretch of Reghena River. It dates from 1930, and serves a sub-basin spreading over 95 ha: its circulation is 800 litres/second.
Campeio water scooping plant (E=12:48:33,570; N=45:47:12,169)
Retrace your path to the roundabout, then take via Campeio, where the homonymous water scooping plant lies. This plant dates from 1930 and serves a small 58ha. sub-basin tributary to Reghena River; its circulation is 700 litres/second.
Summaga water scooping plant (E=12:48:17,907; N=45:46:46,535)
Retrace your path to via Treviso, after having crossed Reghena River turn immediately left: you arrive at Summaga water scooping plant. Summaga is an administrative division of Portogruaro municipality; it is one of the six sub-basins lying in the lower area of Reghena Basin. Other sub-basins are: Tiepolo, Campeio, Masata, Palù and San Giusto. Summaga sub-basin spreads over 90 ha. The water scooping plant was built in 1930; its circulation is 1,980 litres/second.
Tiepolo water scooping plant (E=12:48:07,899; N=45:47:42,235)
Head back to viale Treviso, at the traffic lights turn left onto via Villa, and then go on via Cà Tiepolo. Beyond the motorway lies Tiepolo water scooping plant. It serves a small basin (92 ha.) in the outskirts of Portogruaro. The small tasteful building dates from 1930, when land reclamations works were carried out by Ing. Dal Prà. Its circulation is 800 litres/second.
The Abbey of Summaga
In Summaga city centre go on via Treviso and then via Abbazie until you reach the ancient abbey. The Benedictine Abbey of Summaga was built in the 10th or in the early 11th century. Its basilica, whose mediaeval frescos merit a visit, is joined by a Romanesque bell tower. Vine-growing is traditionally linked with the life at the abbey, since its monks introduced it in the surrounding lands.
Cinto Caomaggiore
A route about 7.5 km long links Summaga to Cinto Caomaggiore (directions: via S. Benedetto, via Treviso, via Maule, via Braida, via Zamper). The history of this small ancient Roman town is linked with the Abbey of Summaga. In the old part of the town you might as well visit the parish church of San Biagio; in Settimo, one of its administrative divisions you ought to call at the parish church of San Giovanni Battista.
In Cinto Caomaggiore take via Roma and then go on via Callada. Follow for 6 km: you arrive at Blessaglia -Pramaggiore. It is a town famed for its wine; it has been playing an important role in vine growing since Venetian domination. San Giacomo (dating from the 11th century), San Marco Evangelista (dating from the 15th century) as well as Santa Maria Assunta (dating from the 16th century) are churches deserving a visit for their striking beauty.
Belfiore watermill
From Pramaggiore you can reach Belfiore watermill easily. Liying on Loncon River, it has been recently rehabilited and evidences, from an ethnographic viewpoint, the intense grinding activity which was carried out along the rivers in Portogruaro area. The millstone room, the room where tools were stored as well as its millers' houses in the other wing of the building merit a visit.
Annone Veneto
Back in Pramaggiore, take via Callalta, via Belvedere and finally via Postumia: after a 5.3 km journey you hit Annone Veneto. It played an influential role during the Middle Ages, and then under Venetian domination it kept its importance. Besides its outstanding buildings, you ought to visit San Vitale church, Villa Polvara as well as Casa Giannotto, housing beautiful 16th-century frescos. Its woods provided timber to make the vessels of the Most Serene Republic of Venice; unfortunately its valuable forest stand was destroyed during World War I.
From Annone Veneto head to Corbolone, 6 km far away. To get there, take via Trieste, via Giai, via Fosson, Via Annone and Riviera di Corbolone. Here you can see the canal dropping and merging with a few other streams. The parish church of San Marco in Corbolone merits a visit, since it houses precious paintings by some Venetian painters.
San Stino di Livenza
A 2 km route leads you to Santo Stino di Livenza. In this town you find some striking buildings dating from Venetian domination. Villa Zeno, for instance, was built on the ruins of an ancient castle; Villa Rubin, Villa Calzavara as well as Villa Agazzi merit a short visit, too.