Reghena - Lemene

Nature, culture as well as hydraulic engineering
Mappa del percorso n. 4
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Reghena River
Reghena River heads from groundwater emergence at Casarsa in Friuli. It flows through San Vito al Tagliamento, Sesto al Reghena, Cinto Caomaggiore, Gruaro and Portogruaro. In Portogruaro it merges with Lemene River.
Lemene River
Lemene River is originated in Friuli Venzia Giulia by the merging of several streams flowing to the right of Tagliamento River. It flows through San Vito al Tagliamento, Casarsa, Teglio Veneto, Gruaro, Portogruaro, Concordia Sagittaria and Caorle, then feeds into Caorle Lagoon at Porto Falconera. It is about 45 km long.
Cinto Caomaggiore
The history of this small ancient Roman town is linked with the Abbey of Summaga. In the old part of the town you might as well visit the parish church of San Biagio; in Settimo, one of its administrative divisions, you ought to call at the parish church of San Giovanni Battista.
Tiepolo water scooping plant (E=12:48:07,899; N=45:47:42,235)
It serves a small basin (92 ha.) in the outskirts of Portogruaro. The small, tasteful building dates from 1930, when land reclamations works were carried out by Ing. Dal Prà. Its circulation is 800 litres/second.
Campeio water scooping plant (E=12:48:33,570; N=45:47:12,169)
This plant dates from 1930 and serves a small 58ha. sub-basin tributary to Reghena river; its circulation is 700 litres/second.
Summaga water scooping plant (E=12:48:17,907; N=45:46:46,535)
Summaga, in Portogruaro municipality, is one of the six sub-basins lying in the lower area of Reghena Basin. Other sub-basins are: Tiepolo, Campeio, Masatta, Palù and San Giusto. Summaga sub-basin covers 90 ha. The water scooping plant was built in 1930; its circulation is 1,980 litres/second.
The Abbey of Summaga
The Benedictine Abbey of Summaga was built in the 10th or in the early 11th century. Its basilica, whose mediaeval frescos merit a visit, is joined by a Romanesque bell tower. Vine-growing is traditionally linked with the life at the abbey, since its monks introduced it in the surrounding lands.
Masatta water scooping plant (E=12:48:26,811; N=45:46:31,466)
Masata or Masatta is one of the six water scooping plants fed by Reghena in its lower stretch. Serving a 95 ha. sub-basin, it dates from 1930; its circulation is 800 litres/second.
Palù Nuovo water scooping plant (E=12:57:58,521; N=45:40:15,325)
Serving an area of 130 ha., its original structure by Reghena Syndicate dates from 1925. In 1931 it was upgraded by Ing. Dal Prà. It underwent some other restoration works in 1982; these days, its circulation is 2,400 litres/second.
It is the biggest town situated between Livenza and Tagliamento rivers and it is also known as "the town where Lemene River flows". Its origins date from the 12th century; the old part of this town with its covered walk and the precious buildings stresses its influential role in Venetian economy and politics. Today it has a paramount importance in culture and art, above all due to its outstanding music tradition.
San Giusto water scooping plant (E=12:50:03,579; N=45:46:11,103)
Dating from 1930, it serves the small S. Giusto sub-basin, lying west of Portogruaro. It is included in Reghena Basin; its circulation is 1,600 litres/second.
Concordia Sagittaria
The ancient Iulia Concordia in the Roman period stood as the crossroads between Postumia and Annia Roads. In Concordia you find several traces of its past dating from Roman, Early Christian as well as medieval times. Saint Stephen Cathedral is outstanding for its striking beauty.
Palù Grande (E=12:50:12,402; N=45:43:24,301)
Following Lemene River, on the right you find Palù Grande water scooping plant. Serving a 387 ha. basin, it was built in the 1930s and was then restored in the second half of the 20th century.
Bandoquerelle water scooping plant (E=12:49:16,881; N=45:43:36,897)
Going on Lemene riverside you find Bandoquerelle water scooping plant, serving the homonymous basin, which is 1,644 ha wide. Its was originally built in 1927; in 1960 Ing. Mortillaro supervised some restoration works on its pumps. Its attendant's house is adjacent to it.
Loncon main water scooping plant (E=12:49:02,133; N=45:41:26,586)
Not far from the point in which Lemene bends toward the Adriatic sea you find Loncon main water scooping plant, on Loncon River. It was built in 1964 and was planned by Ing. Mortillaro; its circulation is 8,000 litres/second. It serves Loncon basin, whose surface is 1,706 ha.
Loncon River
It heads in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Its final stretch, before merging with Lemene, is canalised. It is 30 km long.
Casere water scooping plant (E=12:51:23,613; N=45:39:49,447)
Dating from the early 20th century, together with San Gaetano water scooping plant it proves the efforts the Franchetti family has done for over a century in order to reclaim lands.
San Gaetano water scooping plant (E=12:52:36,384; N=45:38:38,420)
It dates from the early 20th century and proves the efforts done by the Franchetti to reclaim their lands for agricultural use; in fact, they have owned the great San Gaetano estate from 1879 up to the postwar period.
Sindacale water scooping plant (E=12:52:21,493; N=45:42:06,802)
From Bocca Volta on Nicesolo Canal or Canalon you can make a diversion going up the Canalon until you reach Sindacale and Franzona water scooping plants, south of Concordia Sagittaria, as well as a few other plants in Caorle Lagoon. Sindacale water scooping plant is situated in Concordia Sagittaria municipality; it serves the homonymous 2,100 ha. basin, which was reclaimed in 1932 by Ing. E. De Götzen. Visiting the premises of this water scooping plant, which also dates from 1932, its machines and appliances make you realize its power and complexity. This plant has a heavy circulation, i. e. 12,000 litres/second.
Franzona water scooping plant (E=12:51:51,217; N=45:42:22,136)
The 1,070 ha-wide Franzona basin feeds the homonymous water scooping plant. Land reclamation works were accomplished in 1929 by Ing. De Götzen. From the same period dates also the water scooping plant, whose circulation is 7,740 litres/second.
Ramiscello water scooping plant (E=12:54:48,290; N=45:39:29,833)
This is the plant of Ramiscello - Rottore basin, whose surface spreads over 127 ha. The first round of land reclamation works dates from 1932; the following plan to modify the basin was engineered by Ing. Diego Mortillaro in 1954. The water scooping plant has a circulation of 1,800 litres/second.
Brussa water scooping plant (E=12:57:58,521; N=45:40:15,325)
Brussa basin spreads over 1,150 ha; the area was reclaimed in 1932, the year in which the first plant was built. Later on, it was modified and upgraded; these days, its circulation is 3,500 litres/second.
Valle Vecchia water scooping plant (E=12:57:04,551; N=45:38:18,821)
Stay straight onto via Brussa until you reach Cavanella canal and Valle Vecchia: on the left you find its water scooping plant. Built in 1964, it was engineered by Ing. Mortillaro in order to drain Valle Vecchia - Dossetto basin (673 ha. surface); its circulation is 3,100 litres/second.
It is an old port city, a bishopric as well as a noted holidays resort. Its cathedral is charming and houses valuable works of art -e.g. the Byzantine golden reredos. Visit also the 18th-century church of the Blessed Virgin of the Angel, which is built on an evocative site.